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Business Brokerage Makes History

Business Brokerage Makes History

Congratulations to one of our sponsors, ABC Business Sales, for a record-breaking run at the annual REINZ Awards.

5 October 2021

ABC got top billing for Business Brokers in a year that was one of the toughest for the industry, says managing director and Informed Investor columnist Chris Small.

It won three of the five Business Broker awards and saw two firsts and four runner-up awards.

Linda Harley became the first woman to win Sales Person of the Year, and Peter Gouverneur, who won the Rising Star Award, is the first business broker from Otago to be recognised at the awards.

Small said he was especially proud of the mark being made on the industry by the two individual winners, and the best large brokerage award reflected well on the entire team’s efforts.

“The last 12 months with Covid and lockdowns challenges have been some of the toughest on record for the entire industry,” he said.

“I’m particularly proud of the resilience and effort displayed by all our brokers to win an award that shows we really dug in and completed more deals than our competitors.”

Harley said she was honoured to take out the award. “To be the first woman to achieve this, in what is a very male-dominated profession, is an added bonus and hopefully an inspiration to other women in the industry.”

Gouverneur only recently switched careers to become a broker.

“This award gives me a huge motivation boost to take things to the next level, especially with the awesome support I get from our ABC team.”


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