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Syndex: Kiwis Piling Into New Investments On Platform

Syndex: Kiwis Piling Into New Investments On Platform

Kiwis fleeing the low interest rates offered by traditional bank accounts are piling into other investments, from kiwifruit to medical technology.

19 October 2021

“We’re seeing gains in all our markets,” says Syndex chief executive Ross Verry.

Assets under administration on the Syndex trading platform have increased 25 per cent to over NZ$3 billion in the last year and secondary market trades have increased by 28 per cent, he says.

“These increases are quite significant.”

On the Syndex platform, investors can buy and sell shares in investments like land, syndicated commercial properties, investment funds and forests.

Syndex is also rapidly expanding its private equity options for those wanting to invest in Kiwi companies.

Verry says some of the new investors are after diversity in their portfolios. He suspects others simply aren’t comfortable with the share market’s wild swings lately and are moving their money to more stable investments.

Popular categories have been food-based and rural investments like kiwifruit and rural land, he says.

“Kiwifruit has been extraordinarily strong over the past 12-18 months and with the exceptional picking results, they have reason to continue.

“NZ Rural Land Company is another interesting one; a fund investing in a range of pastural properties, allowing New Zealanders to get exposure to world-class producers. With New Zealand and the grand stage, these primary industry investments are our growth opportunity.”

Another investment opportunity attracting interest has been Orbis, an early-stage New Zealand med-tech company that has developed rapid, cost-effective, accurate technology for testing for Covid-19.

Verry says investors are turning to Syndex to buy and sell more easily.

“Private markets are historically illiquid, which was a barrier to many investors, but by offering a secondary market, we’re making private market assets more investible.”

On the platform, investors can browse Syndex’s offerings in forests, private equity, or other proportional ownership. Go to the Syndex website to see the opportunities.

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