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Share Market Advice On The Go

Share Market Advice On The Go

We’re all busy people with little time to wade through mountains of often confusing and contradictory reports about the share market. So, we need quick, reliable, easy-to-access sources of information to help us make good investment decisions. That’s where Stockfox comes in.

5 October 2021

The past few years have seen the introduction of several new brokerage apps, opening up share market trading to a whole new generation of investors.

While these platforms have made it really easy to trade shares, they don’t help with the critical decisions of which shares to buy and when to sell.

A newly launched Kiwi-made app called Stockfox solves this by providing professionally researched share market advice that helps users invest successfully.

Stockfox issues tips and analysis for the New Zealand, Australian, and major United States (New York Stock Exchange and the NASDAQ) share markets.

Users receive notifications on their mobile, desktop, or tablet device so they can stay up to date with the latest market events.

The easy-to-understand tips are generated by leading share market analyst and commentator David McEwen and his team of analysts.

McEwen has more than 30 years’ experience researching the markets. Stockfox tips are based on the proven stock assessment criteria he’s developed and refined over the past 25 years.

Users pay a monthly subscription fee or receive the tips for free if they open and fund an Interactive Brokers brokerage account through Stockfox. www.stockfox.app

In real time

McEwen says about two years ago he and his team were issuing time-sensitive share market advice through a fortnightly email newsletter.

But the information was already out of date before it hit readers’ email inbox.

“We realised that by using a digital platform instead, we could issue the advice in real time and to a much wider audience,” says McEwen. “This is what the new generation of tech-savvy investors are demanding.”

So, he started Stockfox from the team’s base in Auckland.

McEwen has an impeccable pedigree in business research. Before becoming a share market analyst, he was a business journalist at leading publications like The Financial Times, Reuters, and the National Business Review.

He now heads investment services firm McEwen and Associates, which he founded in 1998.

He was one of the first in the country to receive a full Financial Advice Provider licence, in May 2021, under the new Financial Markets Authority regulatory regime.

He says: “Stockfox allows me to combine my backgrounds in journalism and share market analysis to make professional investment advice available to users in a modern, compelling, and engaging way.”

Stockfox is available now for a 14-day free trial, via www.stockfox.app

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